hold on
do not judge me by my name and pottu
or my earrings and ethnic dress
i am not an indian
my journey on this earth
originated from the north of sri lanka
so what?
do not call me a sri lankan
that was for the passport
immigration officers
and visa forms
sri lanka
reminds me
i am not an indian
my journey on this earth
originated from the north of sri lanka
so what?
do not call me a sri lankan
that was for the passport
immigration officers
and visa forms
sri lanka
reminds me
of war and oppression
bunkers and fighter jets
bunkers and fighter jets
curfews and white vans
bodychecks at army checkpoints
that stripped me of my pride
multi barrel artilleries
multi barrel artilleries
that destroyed my home
sri lanka stole my dignity
questioned my belongingness
forced an identity
that came with a flag
lion in the centre
a nail in my brain
where do I live now?
a land of milk and honey
so what?
hold on
do not call me an australian
i do not belong here
the stolen land
white australia
the sovereignty was never ceded
my dear colonial grandpas!!!
and great grandpas!!!
what have you done to these lands?
what have you done to our ancestors?
what have you done to me?
i am
and lost
i am
searching my roots
through the layers of histories
your histories
their histories
i am
searching my roots
through the layers of histories
your histories
their histories
our histories
your violent project
of subjugation
brown and black bodies
your violent project
of subjugation
brown and black bodies
classified low than yours
stolen for generations
exploited and defeated
exhausted and dehumanised
look at my folks
proud of
a sri lankan
an australian
patriotism for what?
the country?
who drew the borders?
or who erased the borders?
patriotism for what?
the country?
who drew the borders?
or who erased the borders?
who is assimilated?
who is marginalised?
who does benefit?
who does suffer?
sri lankans
just labels
so hold on
do not put me in your boxes
‘Sri Lankan’
‘Sri Lankan’
i am none of them.
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